Banda Aceh


Aceh Museum
Museum Tsunami Aceh

Aceh is a province located most western part of the territory of Indonesia and its capital named Banda Aceh within 17 km from Sulthan Iskandar Muda Airport, approximately 20 minutes by taxi. Aceh is also known as Veranda of Mecca, because at the  earlier times, Aceh was the center of the spread of Islam in Indonesia. Aceh was the entrance for the traders from Arabia to Indonesia. Banda Aceh has approximately 64 square kilometers of area​​.

Baiturrahman Mosque
The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Banda Aceh

When you come to Aceh, you can visit The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Aceh Tsunami Monument, The Monument of Thanks to the World, The Tjut Nyak Dhien House, Dutch Kerkhoff Poucut Cemetery, and many more. The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque built in the 12th century. It is the only one building that still standing strong when the catastrophic tsunami hit Aceh in mid-year 2004.

Kapal Apung Lampulo
The Monument of Tsunami Aceh

In addition to the mosque, you can also visit Aceh Tsunami Monument. This monument is made from the bodies of ships damaged by the tsunami in 2004, which later immortalized into a monument to commemorate the tsunami that ever swept Aceh.

rumah tjut nyak dhien
Tjut Nyak Dhien House

While the Tjut Nyak Dhien House is a traditional Aceh house which is located in Lam Pisang, it is about 6 km from Banda Aceh. Tjut Nyak Dien is one of the Indonesian national heroes who died in 1906.

Monument Tsunami Aceh
The Monument Thanks to the World

The Monument of Thanks to the World has a unique shape that resembles a tsunami wave. This monument was built as a thanks to the people of the world who have to care and provide aid to victims of the 2004 tsunami disaster. This monument has been historical evidence that a terrifying disaster ever happened in Aceh and resulted in millions of deaths.


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